
Opening a Phyrexia: All Will be One PR Kit

Every time a new Magic: the Gathering set is launched, I look for some cards with high card values, and the set's Prerelease package is one of the items on my preorder list. A prerelease kit for the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering is a unique package that is made available ahead of the release of a new set of cards. An assortment of booster packs from the new set, a unique promotional card, plus extras like a spindown life counter, a deck box, and a set guide are frequently included in prerelease kits. Players who want to get a head start on the new set and begin creating decks with the new cards before the official release date might consider prerelease kits. Players can play with the new cards, get to know other players, and take part in tournament-style games during prerelease events that are conducted at nearby game stores. I was able to film an unpacking video of the PR kit I bought from our neighborhood gaming shop ProReis Place here in Iloilo City for the Phyrexa

MTG Strategy: How do you Plan Out your Sideboard?

 A sideboard in Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a collection of cards that players can utilize to alter their deck in-between games. A sideboard can only be used during a match and is not included in the creation of the main deck. The specific metagame and the anticipated matchups in a tournament are often taken into account when creating a sideboard strategy for Magic: the Gathering. The following steps are often done in order to choose a sideboard plan: 1. Determine which decks are the most widely played in the current metagame by looking at tournament results, and online statistics, or asking other players in the community. 2. Analyze your main deck and look for any areas where your opponents might be able to exploit any holes or vulnerabilities. By adding cards that still support your primary plan, you can alter the design of your main deck. 3. Select sideboard cards that can help to enhance your matchups based on the popular decks in the metagame and the shortcomings of your main d

The Top Ten Black Removals in Magic: the Gathering AFR Standard

I am starting a MTG Top Ten with this topic. Black is Magic: the Gathering's best color in the game when dealing with creatures, like destroying, exiling, and a lot of other words to describe it. It is what makes control decks in various formats use versus the aggressiveness of creature decks. Also increases their survivability to reach the late game for their big spells. To get updated in Standard as to what removal that opponents use, I decided to do a quick Top Ten list based on deck utility. Check out the details on the Youtube video below. 

Iloilo City ECQ: Aug 8 to 15, 2021

 So we are presently positioned in the strictest Enhanced Community Quarantine Status up until August 15. That implies restricting individuals development and business opened during this period. The point is to bring down the COVID cases in the midst of the danger of the Delta variation of the infection that likely caused the spike in the new weeks. The downside is the nearby economy not acquiring income for one more week will incredibly influence most organizations especially the unnecessary ones.  The ECQ status just permits fundamental foundations and ventures to work like emergency clinics, food, dispatch, and conveyance administrations among others. The inquiry presently is the means by which rigorously is the execution on the ground. As I went to the workplace today, there were as yet numerous jeepney and private vehicles out and about going all through the midtown region. Government and police staff should ensure that the conventions are polished.  The city is expanding its rate

Magic: The Gathering DnD Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Booster Unboxing Part 1

F inally I was able to procure an Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Booster box from our local gamestore Rei’s place here in Iloilo City. The first batch of products arrived last weekend, including the Prerelease kits which is about one week late from the scheduled dates set by Wizards. It is not a main issue though as the national government issued an Enhanced Community Quarantine for the city and so, gatherings are strictly not allowed. Anyhow, I decided to do a two-part unboxing video for this set booster box and just recorded the first part last night. Here is the video below I've posted on my Youtube channel .

Bike-to-Work Iloilo City MECQ Road Status

As of this posting, Iloilo City is still under the Modified ECQ status as implemented by the COVID IATF thus making public transportation limited. The issue here now is that people need to go to work and most usually ride the jeepney going to their office. With the limited number of these jeepneys, people will now resort to other modes of transportation, and this is where biking-to-work shines. One good example is mine, where I ride my bicycle daily, traveling to the Iloilo City hall where I work in the City Planning office. More info.  Last time, I decided to record my bike-to-work route, checking on the downtown district and starting from my boarding house in Lapaz. This was to see the actual situation of the businesses and people movement going to work or errands. You check Part 1 and Part 2 of the Bike-to-Work road check Iloilo City on these videos below. Part 1:   Part 2: