MTG Strategy: How do you Plan Out your Sideboard?

 A sideboard in Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a collection of cards that players can utilize to alter their deck in-between games. A sideboard can only be used during a match and is not included in the creation of the main deck.

The specific metagame and the anticipated matchups in a tournament are often taken into account when creating a sideboard strategy for Magic: the Gathering.

The following steps are often done in order to choose a sideboard plan:

1. Determine which decks are the most widely played in the current metagame by looking at tournament results, and online statistics, or asking other players in the community.

2. Analyze your main deck and look for any areas where your opponents might be able to exploit any holes or vulnerabilities. By adding cards that still support your primary plan, you can alter the design of your main deck.

3. Select sideboard cards that can help to enhance your matchups based on the popular decks in the metagame and the shortcomings of your main deck.

4. Test and improve your sideboard strategy: To see how well your deck and sideboard strategy performs, playtest it against a range of opponents and decks. Based on the outcomes of your playtesting, make any necessary alterations and improvements. Additionally, be sure to understand these top decks' strategies so that you can predict their lines of play.

5. Make a final decision on your sideboard strategy: Once you are comfortable with your sideboard strategy, make a final decision and make sure to carry the proper cards to your event.

It's also crucial to keep in mind that your sideboard strategies may alter depending on the particular tournament you're playing in because they may have different metagames and anticipated matchups.


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